Cibubur. The management of Yayasan Karya Bhakti RIA Pembangunan (YKBRP) held a meeting before Idul Fitri 2024 to discuss preparations for the Halal Bihalal event and at the same time to commemorate the Foundation’s 46th anniversary. Present at the meeting included, General Chairperson of Foundation, Dr Sri Kusumo Amdani, SpA(K) MSc, Secretary, Dra Suzy Alberthina, Treasurer, Niken Asri Suwartini, SE, MM and supervisor, Dr dr Noer Saelan Tadjudin, Sp, KJ. Also present, Mrs. Atiek Adiati, Dra Ria Indrastuty, Dr dr Andi Julia Rifiana, SH, M.Kes, Dr Mulyono D Prawiro, and Head of the Secretariat, Lydia Pristianti, SH. Saturday (06/04/2024).
In accordance the meeting of the General Chairperson of YKBRP, dr Sri Kusumo Amadani, SpA(K), MSc explained to the media crew, today we have a foundation management meeting to discuss several things, one of which is the formation of a committee for holding the Halal Bihalal event as well as the anniversary of the Yayasan Karya Bhakti RIA Pembangunan. Actually, the foundation birthday on April 26, 2024, but we will commemorate the anniversary in May 2024,” she said.
Mrs. Dani, nicknamed the General Chairperson of YKBRP, added, today we are discussing the composition of the committee and also discussing the estimated costs that will be incurred. “The plan is that we will ask for donations or donations from donors who come from Ibu-ibu RIA Pembangunan, who were previously involved in the Yayasan Karya Bakti Ria Pembangunan, so this is from us for us,” she added.
Mrs. Dani emphasized that in this event, the plan for each unit, for example from STW-RP, will be to present an angklung game by the seniors who live here, then from STIKes Mitra RIA Husada Jakarta to perform dances from students, then from PAUD and BPKw dances or songs from Kindergarten children, so from Kindergarten, students to the elderly, everyone is there, and maybe with singing and so on, we have lots of singers, including Pak Mulyono himself, she stressed.
Because this is an internal event, those who will be invited will also be internal, such as Ibu-ibu who are members of the RIA Pembangunan. They are extraordinary and still look energetic, and I’m sure they are still enthusiastic about attending events like that, then also employees from existing units, supervisors, administrators and supervisors of the foundation, so we just don’t invite people from outside internally.
She hopes that by holding the Halal Bihalal event and the Foundation’s Anniversary Commemoration, we will become closer together, more enthusiastic about carrying out the foundation’s activities which are for social purposes, so we will manage it with even more enthusiasm and hope that we can improve each other’s performance, she hopes.
Mrs. Dani also reminded us that apart from holding an event to commemorate the foundation’s birthday and Halal Bihalal, in May 2024 two foundation builder will have birthdays, namely Prof. Dr. Haryono Suyono and Prof. Dr. Justika Baharsjah, so we will also celebrate their birthdays for both of them, she concluded. @mdp ( sumber : )