CIBUBUR. STIKes Mitra RIA Husada Jakarta, in the holy month of Ramadhan 2024, is holding an Iftar event with the community and providing assistance to orphans around its campus in the Cibubur area, East Jakarta. Besides that, they also invited Ustad Gunawan from the Al Mukhlisin Orphanage to give a religious lecture. Monday (01/04/2024).

According to Deputy Chairman I for Academic Affairs, Bdn Imelda Diana Marsilia, SST, SKM, M.Keb when contacted by the media crew explained, the month of Ramadan is a month full of blessings, it will always be more beneficial if we do something this month with positive activities. One of them is doing Ramadhan charity by holding fast-breaking activities with orphans and sharing free takjil for community around the campus, she explained.

She added that this activity, which is always held every year, is the right moment to strengthen the relationship between the large STIKes MRHJ family and foster a sense of empathy and concern, providing an opportunity to share with less fortunate groups, they are orphans, so that they too have a little provision to be able to taste the pleasure of worshiping in the month of Ramadan, she added.

She further said that the coordinator for this activity was Mrs. Nina Tresnayanti, S.SIT., M.Kes, she is the Head of Student and Alumni Affairs, assisted by Mr. Anton, SKM, Head of the Achievement Development and Tracer Subdivision and the BEM STIKes MRHJ Committee Team. This event was attended by the Deputy Chairman, Heads of PMI/PPM Centers, Heads of Study Programs, Secretary of Study Programs, lecturers, staff, students and orphans as well as companions. “This activity was carried out as a means of sharing among Muslims, especially from the rich to the weak, friendship to strengthen and foster a sense of brotherhood within the STIKes MRHJ extended family and to train students to always care about their community,” she said.

Mrs. Dhea, nicknamed Deputy Chairman I for Academic Affairs, hopes that with this joint fast breaking activity, a sense of kinship and togetherness can be well established, so that it is hoped that it can increase harmonious cooperation between the academic community, she hopes. @mdp. (sumber :

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